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A medium password is required with at least 8 characters. To make it stronger, use both upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Because we are serving both the US and Canada we will need your country designation.
This is important for our messaging app to work properly on your notifications. You can control this through preferences if you do not want to receive text.

This information only needs to be completed if you are joining as someone working in the RV Industry manufacturing or supply sector.

Community Rules & Guidelines

The Hub is a community ecosystem. While we believe there will be significant opportunities to connect with each other and form business relationships, we are not a sales tool. If you are a joining from one of our businesses, we pre-vet participants so that members can connect with confidence. Therefore, The Hub is a no commerce zone. We hope you appreciate this. If you agree to connect, communicate, collaborate and innovate within the system and take any "sales" conversation outside of The Hub, please check the box below that applies. If you are an RVer, we also ask that you refrain from any commerce activities. Within our groups and forums we also ask that all members avoid conversations about sex, race, politics, and religion. These conversation are very devisive so if you want to debate, please take those conversations elsewhere. We all also agree to adhere to confidentiality within forums and opportunities if asked and we agree to treate each other with respect. No fowl language or bullying.

The Hub is a living community representing individuals from all aspects of the RV and Outdoor Hospitality ecosystem.

While we believe there will be significant opportunities to connect with each other and form business relationships, we are not a direct sales tool. If you work within the industry, we have provided a platform for you to establish yourself as a valued subject matter expert inside our community. We pre-vet business participants so that everyone can connect with confidence.

Regardless of whether you are a business member or an RVer, we hope you appreciate this. We are a commerce free zone therefore we do not allow direct sales inside The Hub For RVers. Should you find one of our members or subject matter experts that you would like to connect with for commerce, you are welcome to share contact information and connect outside of The Hub For RVers.

We also offer connections via our portals. You can learn more about portals here. https://thehubforrvers.com/portals/