REQUEST FOR OPPORTUNITY APPROVAL & SETUP Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Opportunity Contact *FirstLastContact Email * Opportunity Contact would Contact Work Phone / Mobile *Which member type would you like to reach? *CampgroundRVersIndustry SuppliersManufacturersDealershipsAssociationsAll Business MembersAll MembersChoose the target group for your opportunity. If you would like to include all business members across the entire community choose All Business Members. If you would like to choose everyone that has indicated they are open to participating in opportunities, choose All Members.If other... *If you do not feel that any of the choices above desribed who you would like to work with, then describe the target here.Describe the Opportunity *Example: We are looking for families that travel in their RV's who are willing to help us with a study on the most common types of activities that families participate in while traveling that are outside of the campground. We prefer families with children who are between 3-12 and travel at least 4 times per year.Title of Opportunity *Maximum Number of Participants Needed *Opportunity Start Date *Opportunity End Date *Time Required *1-5 Hrs6-10 Hrs11-20 HrsMore than 21 HrsTo Be DeterminedLet participants know an estimated amount of hours that they will need to invest in this opportunityCompensationEnter any compensation that may be provided for participation. This does not have to be guaranteed. Acceptable answers could be: No Compensation, $X Gift Card Upon Completion, $X per hour, Free Stuff, etc.Additional InformationPlease tell us anything else that you feel we need to know when reviewing this request to have your opportunity listed within The Hub For RVers and our members notified.This information does not have to be public. You may want to include something for the internal teams consideration.Type In Your Full Name *By typing in your full name you agree that you have the authority to create this opportunity on behalf of yourself or your company. Applicants will be asked to agree to a confidentiality statement, but The Hub For RVers cannot be held responsible for this. Entering your name reliquishes The Hub For RVers for any liability relating to confidentiality or other components of this opportunity.Submit