• Connect with Other Industry Professionals
  • Mentor and be mentored
  • Take advantage of  e-learning opportunities
  • Participate in Groups  & Forums
  • Engage in collaboration Opportunities
  • Connect with RVers

Our commumity is made up of individuals from all aspects of our outdoor RVing and camping ecosystem. As MANUFACTURERS, you create the tools that campers use to enrich their lives. Long after that RV Unit has been retired from the road, the memories made in that unit live on. 

We’ve had the privilege of working with many of you over the past decade. You’ve graciously shared your knowledge and your challenges and that is what inspired me to create The Hub. Within The Hub, you will find answers, solutions, and support that will be timely, proactive, and vetted. You will find features like:

  • Opportunities-Opportunities are ways that others reach out to collaborate and innovate together. Many of the opportunities will connect you with your campers in a way never possible before. They can also connect you with what I call THE BOOTS ON THE GROUND and HEART of our community, the campgrounds. As I say often, many of our industry challenges can be solved in a campground. Beyond this, the best part of The Hub and Opportunities are the relationships you will build working together.
  •  Events Portal-(coming soon)-Our events portal will allow you to post activities, no matter how big or small, and they will be posted on a public page for campers and campgrounds from across the country to see. You can also find events and connect with rallies or other industry events. Imagine, one location, where you can not only see all of the things going on in our community, but also take advantage of being able to plan collectively, maimizng attendance and vendor participation through organization.
  • E-Learning-The Hub will provide relevant and timely learning that you can access online and in whatever format you learn best. From courses via written lessons, to audio, to recorded video, or live sessions. There will be something for every learner and learner type.
  • Subject Matter Experts-Access to vetted content in a non-sales environment from the best vendors across the country, is available at your finger tips. Once again, these courses and sessions will be available live and on demand. But we take it a step further. Your courses will be saved in our profile and you will have access to others who participated via groups and forums. That way the learning doesn’t have to stop and the connections with “birds of a feather” flourish.
There is so much more coming. All we ask of you now, is for you to help us get the energy and excitement started as we build our community.